
dive into是什么意思翻译_dive into的音标怎么读

dive into

na. 探察(某人秘密)

[网络] 潜入;跳入;钻研

dive into

na. 探察(某人秘密)

[网络] 潜入;跳入;钻研

dive intodive into
1.翻译:头朝下跳入水中The swimmer dived into the river to save the drowning child.这位游泳者跳入河里去营救那个溺水的小孩。
2.翻译:〈非正〉开始猛吃; 热切地加入或开始做(某事)Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking.吉姆和往常一样不加思考便加入了这场争论。
3.翻译:溜进, 闪进(某处)I was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him.当我正在跟踪那个人时, 他突然闪进一家小饭馆, 失去了踪影。
4.翻译:〈非正〉(使)在…中快速翻找Diving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time.她迅速地在她的皮包里翻了一下, 正好找到了一块手帕。He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.他把手伸到口袋里摸, 试图找到那把钥匙。

dive into
1.翻译:(头先入水地)跳入:The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.游泳者跳进水中,奋力游走了。The diver dived into the pool from the high diving board.跳水运动员从高台跳板上一头扎进水池里。
2.翻译:[口语]开始参加(某项)活动;开始吃,大吃:Jim dived headlong into the task.吉姆贸然投身于那项工作。The boy dived into a pile of potatoes.男孩大口大口地吃起土豆来了。
3.翻译:突然跑进,冲入、窜入、钻进、躲进:He dived into an alley to escape from the police.他躲进小胡同躲避警察的追捕。The snake dived into its hole.蛇钻进了洞。
4.翻译:(猛地)把手伸进(某处):The thief dived his hand into my handbag and made off with my purse.那小偷神不知鬼不觉地把手伸入我的提包,抢了钱包逃走了。
5.翻译:钻研,探究,探索:She has been diving into the Chinese literature.她一直在钻研中国文学。

见:dive: dive into